
Sunday, July 1, 2012


Our New 2012 Honda CR-V
Front Seat
First ride in our new car
Travis and I just bought our new Honda CR-V! After months of research I had narrowed it down and the Honda won it.  We spent two weekends working with the dealership and we got a steal of a deal on our car.  Travis and I love the new car and can't wait to put Guppy in the back seat.  The other great thing that came out of it is the man, Danny, who sold us the car became our friend (only in the South).  After we picked up the car we met him and his wife, Casey, for dinner.  We had a great time and plan on having dinner again with them next time we are in Alexandria.  I know Travis's favorite feature is the bluetooth capabilities and being able to sync his phone with Pandora while we drive. 

Baby Shower

Guppy's Cake
Moby wrap and little outfit from Rene

Summer, Lisa and her baby Adysen (2wks old)

Lessie and Mary from Bible study

Rene the photographer and me
Guppy's new homemade blanket from Chicky (Susan)
I had my very first ever baby shower this weekend.  It was a lot of fun. I always get really nervous when a party is about me but this was very low key and just fun to be with friends.  Unfortunately most of the people I invited were out of town or had prior engagements.  We started by having refreshments and just introducing everyone.  We played two games.  The first was you had a sheet of paper that had different points for the things in your purse. The second game I picked characteristics that I wanted Guppy to have from Travis and I.  For example her eyes to by mine but her legs to be Travis'.  Then everyone else did the same and the closest one to mine got a prize.  It was really fun! Mary cracked me up because there was one character they could fill on their own and Mary said she hoped my baby had Travis's butt.  She is so funny! We opened presents and had cake.  I got so many clothes, books, baby carrier, a nursing cover, Guppy's first bracelet, and so much more. 
Travis during this time went out with his friends and went miniature golfing.  I think he would have rather have been at the baby shower.  He did swing by in the beginning just to say hi and spy on us ladies.

Dinner and A Show

People just starting to come in for the dinner portion
Me at the table waiting for George and Mary to stop socializing so I can eat!
Double date number two
 A few weeks ago our good friends George and Mary invited us to go with them to a dinner and show at Fort Polk Showboat Theater.  I had never been to the dinner option of the play but had been to a few of the shows.  It isn't the best acting because all the actors are local volunteers, but it is nice to have something to do in Leesville. 
My favorite part of the whole night started before the show.  Travis and I arrived early and were waiting for George and Mary.  We saw their car pull up so we got out of the car and I told Travis to go open up Mary's door.  He ran up there and opened the door and to both of our surprise two older woman came out of the car.  They defiantly were not George and Mary.  They looked as shocked as Travis to see one other.  Travis then said, "Are you excited about the show?"  I lost it!!! I was bent over trying not to pee on myself.  This didn't make the elderly woman feel any safer unfortunately because now they have this strange pregnant woman laughing at them in the middle of a parking lot.  I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! George and Mary did arrive and we told them of our mistake and we all laughed about it.  
Dinner was great before the show. It was ribs, roasted veggies, salad, roll and then lemon cheesecake for dessert.  George and Mary knew everyone else in the theater so we were introduced to a lot of other people.  The show was called "Spin Off."  It was about a bank employee who's friend at the bank stole the banks money and tried to say it was an accident.  There was laughter, love and action! It was really cute and we were so glad we went.