For Valentines Day Travis and I got up made breakfast and then went to church. After Church we took Valentine's Day cupcakes to neighbors. Then we decided to go for a walk, so Travis, Charlie, Henry, Watson and I loaded up the car drove to the trail and did a four mile hike. After that we came home relaxed for a bit and started making dinner (wontons our favorite). Our neighbor Erin was alone for Valentine's Day because her husband is away for a month doing training so we invited her over for a warm meal. It was a lot of fun! She has a German Shepard named Wall-E. The dogs loved running around playing. The funniest thing was Wall-E and Watson. Watson literally stayed hunched up in this position for about thirty minutes just staring at the biggest dog he'd ever seen.
Oh....how sweet of you to take cupcakes to your neighbors and then have your alone neighbor over for dinner....very thoughtful. I'm sure your neighbors appreciated everything too.