Now that I am a military spouse and am about to have Travis and I's first deployment I feel that I could do a great service by educating civilians on how to painlessly ask military families about deployment.
Number one:
When asking how long will you be gone never guess low.
How long will you be gone...a few months (this is wrong!) Because when the person responds,"No I will be gone a year." You will not be able to filter out the response..."Oh that's a long time!" Believe me this only feels like salt on a wound. Therefore guess at least a year and if they are gone longer say well something about how liberals just don't get it. That always works :)
Do not say...well I am sure you will be safe over there, things are really calming down.
This is true of Iraq but Afghanistan is quite a different story.
Instead say "Be safe and our prayers will be with you." Oh and "those Liberals just don't get it"
When someone tells you they are deploying this is not the time to inform the military personal of friends, family and emails you've read or just heard of, of soldiers being wounded or killed in Afghanistan. If you wish to share this with someone please at least wait for the spouse to leave or better yet keep it to yourself and call a civilian friend and tell them.
I hope this helps so the next time you run across someone in uniform. Just say "Thanks for your service......oh and those liberals just don't get it."