This weekend Travis and I went to our first military ball. It was in Lake Charles at the La' Berge hotel and casino. We drove down after dropping off the dogs to their favorite spot the kennel. We got ready and then went down for social hour where we took pictures and had a social drink with friends. Next was the receiving line where you shake hands with all the high ranking Soldiers and then you take a seat at your table for the colors to be posted. After that there was toasts and a speech from LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) Albert. Next was dinner which was delicious and then a night full of dancing! I don't think Travis and I left the dance floor until the night ended. We headed back up to the room and changed and then Travis tried his luck at let it ride. Shocker he lost! The next morning we got up, went to lunch, and did some quick shopping and headed home to pick up the dogs. Travis and I loved our first ball and look forward to ones in the future.
good times and memories. we miss you guys.
Jose Perez