Once the party started it didn't stop! Luckily all of Henry's friends liked each other. There was a lot of smelling butts or handshakes. Henry's was so happy to have his big back yard for the night to run and play with his friends. We had lots of food and entertainment never stopped with all the dog humping that occurred.

Boy party with Shadow the big black dog, Henry with the handkerchief and Buddy peeking in on the picture.
Charlie hungry for a chanllenge
Sugar and Charlie bonding...I wish I knew what they were thinking.
All the dogs bonding. It is Ace humping Buddy on the left with Henry watching and then Charlie humping Lola on the right. Jessie is just watching and making sure no one gets hurt in all this rowdy play.

Charlie hungry for a chanllenge

Sugar and Charlie bonding...I wish I knew what they were thinking.

That last picture is too much. So funny.