My and my bros!

Me and Camryn

Getting a wet and almost enjoyable kiss from Cal

Things got heated in the Nerf gun war! It was a fight till the death and Colt won

Cal looks a little tired

My mom has started this tradition of Nerf guns! So the kids really got into this year and shot all of us grown ups! But we did get them back :) This is Colt loading his gun and about to shot me!

Camryn and Colt shooting the bad guys!

Jax...How could you not love that face! He is so sweet!

Care and Jax

Colt and Camryn sleeping so Santa will come

The boys in their matching jim-jams. Dave, Taylor, Dad and Andy

Girls in their jim-jams. Mom, Carolyn, Randee, Kenzie and Me

Taylor and Colt

Colt and Camryn. Colt has a black eye from Jax accidentally hitting him.

Jax and Colt
It was a great night and we all had such a good time! It was so much fun to be with my niece and nephews. I miss them so much and it is sad I can't play with them more since I am their favorite Aunt:)
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