Our first dinner we went to a the Seaside Grill. It was so much fun because Trav, who can speak Spanish, becomes an instant favorite of all the servers. Soon we had Jaquelin and Richard doting over us. We were able to talk to them a lot about their family and what is good at the resort. They recommended great food and soon we were full and very happy. Then Jaquelin brought out the island drink Mama Wanna. Apparently it is made with a tree root and is known for it's Viagra affect. Travis taught me a little Spanish that I could use to describe the drink and it made all of us laugh listening to my ridiculous Spanish and the humor of it. He taught me to say, "Strong, hard, penis all night long with Mama Wanna." It was an on going joke throughout the rest of the trip. Trav and I also noticed that they LOVE to say excellente and give you a high five. Also if they are talking about something strong they make a fist with a bent elbow and slightly shake it. Trav and I laughed all night long!

Travis with his Mama Wanna impression 
Me copying the local people describe the strong drink
Us right after we tried the drink. I am all smiles and as you can see Travis is not enjoying the experience quite as much:)

Me copying the local people describe the strong drink

Us right after we tried the drink. I am all smiles and as you can see Travis is not enjoying the experience quite as much:)
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