Well, I am finally starting the blog train again...after some technical difficulties with the Iphone pictures. I will give a quick recap of our life since I posted since Travis has returned. Most excitingly is we are expecting our first child. We found out on Christmas in Virginia that I was pregnant. I woke up early that morning and had brought a pregnancy test just in case. I had been late the last couple of months so I didn't' think anything of the fact I was a few days late again...but when I took the pregnancy test that morning I yelled excitedly for Travis to come look at the test because it was positive! He thought I was playing a trick on him like I always do, but it was real this time. Finding out we were pregnant was the best Christmas gift, especially because we got to be with Travis' family to share the news that morning!
First trimester went by very quickly and with little nausea. But, I did sleep through the entire thing. Thank goodness Travis was there to pick up the slack and get everything done around the house. We had our first ultrasound at 13 weeks, and I was very nervous because I was worried it was just gas. The ultrasound tech informed us there was a baby there. We named our baby guppy. I didn't start showing until the end of the first trimester.
Guppy is waving at the ultrasound tech...or banging on the uterus to get out |
First signs of baby |
Hip Hip Hooray! Glad you are blogging again. I laughed at the ultrasound picture with your comment about waving or trying to get out.