Travis passing the time |
Travis trying to stay warm |
My poor baby resting |
Evie had her 2 month check up and got her first set of vaccinations. She did really well! She cried while getting her shots but once they were done and I got to pick her up and hold her she calmed right down. She was very tired and cranky after she got her shots which was totally expected. That night we went to Bible study and I noticed she was getting warm. When we got home I took her temperature and it was 100.4. I wasn't too worried but when we originally left the hospital they said a temp of 100.1 was cause to bring Evie to the hospital. Travis insisted that we call the triage nurse. I was honestly just calling to see when the 100.1 temperature ended and 101 was considered a temperature. By the end of the conversation though the nurse advised us to go to the emergency room. At eleven o'clock we packed everything up and headed in to the ER. Travis was very worried and was already telling me the Army protocol if Evie is admitted over night. I really wasn't worried but when someone tells you to take your daughter in you loose all reason and I knew that if something did happen I would regret not taking her in. Evie was checked out and got her first and hopefully last rectal thermometer reading. Evalynn got a clean bill of heath thank goodness and we were home by three in the morning. As frustrating and tired as Travis and I were we laughed so much waiting for the doctor to see us. My favorite is when I told Travis to reenact Evie getting her rectal temperature being taken...he nailed it. Watching Travis on the stretcher with a sheet over his head like he was marry with his fuzzy Santa socks was also a memory I will not forget.
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