
Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Bible Study and Moby Wrap

We took Evalynn to our Thursday night Bible study at Pud's house the Thursday after she was born. Everyone in the Bible study had been praying for Katie and I to get pregnant after I got back from the deployment, and were there with us through the pregnancy so they all feel like grandparents to little Evie. We had a great time at Bible study, and Katie's parents were still in town so they got to go with us and meet everyone.

 Lessie holding Evalynn

 Mary holding Evalynn. Evalynn didn't mind getting handed around, she slept through almost the whole Bible study.
 The Bible study in Pud's living room. Jesus, George, and Pud are sitting at the table. Katie is talking to Zulma in the background while Robert is talking to Zulmarie (Zulma and Jesus' daughter).
 Watson is desperate for attention and curled up in Katie's hair while she took a quick nap between feedings on the couch
 Charlie uses the boppie more than we do. He takes naps on it downstairs as his new favorite bed location.
 Evie likes the car seat when we go on walks or ride in the car. It puts her to sleep
 Evie's first walk! She did great and slept through the whole thing...but she did smile in her sleep so she must have been enjoying it.
 Evie before church this Sunday
 The moby wrap comes in handy because you can put her in there and have your hands free to do housework.

 Charlie loves to be snuggled up in the moby wrap!

 Evalynn loves to sleep on your chest. She loves Katie's chest the best though...
 Prepare for the blog to be filled with a lot of pictures of Evalynn that Katie has taken on her phone. A lot of these pictures are really good! This post has a few of them, but I will upload a lot more.

Heading to church!

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