It's been a year! I can't believe it! I thought I would try and recap the last year, but there has been so much change and airplane flights it is hard to know where to start! Travis and I had our first home, lost our first home and finally moved across the country to have one again! We got a new dog, Travis started his first job, I started mine (and quit :) .) Still no children and none in the near future!
Many people asked what we did for our anniversary. It started like this, I got up early and made Travis his favorite breakfast, breakfast burritos and hash browns. He had his cup of coffee and his Bible and we sat and ate and read together. We quickly picked up the house and then I jumped in the shower for church, while Travis assembled a stand to go in the shower to hold our soap and shampoo. First the washer and dryer and now he is assembling everything :) We got ready, and of course left the house running late. It was our first church to visit here in Fort Polk. There was baptisms, singing and then the pastor spoke. There were a few differences that were hard to get over. First, the people that got baptized wore white gowns....I had never seen that before! But as a woman I know that would not be the color I would want to get wet in! The worship was good, but the people standing on stage singing didn't look very happy, so both Travis and I kept our eyes on the screen so we wouldn't be distracted. Lastly the pastor only spoke for 20-30 minutes. I am used to an hour! He message was good and backed up by scripture, but he yelled while saying everything.
I was thinking to myself as the service was coming to an end, not bad, but different. This might be the right church for us. Then the pastor asked if any wanted to come and accept the Lord or just come and pray at the front of the church while the music is playing. The music starts to play and a little boy with his parents goes up and accepts Christ. Still thinking, wow that is nice. Then all of the sudden Travis leans down and says, "Do you think we should go up and pray like the pastor asked," I am sure I broke out in hives right then and there and if looks could kill Travis would be dead. "NO!!!" I said! Poor Travis he has such a tender heart but it was our first Sunday! Could he wait a week before we both become Jesus Freaks! Then he continues with, "Will you come with me?" "NO!!!" I said! Is he not getting it there is no way I am going up in front of these people unless you kill me and drag me! My feet were frozen in cement! Travis realized at this point I wasn't budging. Relief I thought the pressure is over. The pastor prayed and we were dismissed. He asked all new comers to meet in the welcome room, I was uncomfortable but it would be nice to meet the pastor. We started walking and Travis goes, "I am going to ask the pastor to pray for me." Everything in me yelled "No!" Now I didn't even want to meet the pastor! But I sucked it up and we went to the welcome center.
We were met with friendly faces, I mean a lot of friendly faces!!! Everyone came up and talked to us, offering the programs they had at the church! I felt a little like a cow being pushed back and forth in a pin. Finally the pastor came over to introduce himself. Travis said his name and I said mine, "Katie." We talked a bit and when the conversation was coming to an end he said, "Well it was nice to meet you Travis and Amanda." I corrected politely, "It's Katie," he apologized and then asked to pray with use. We bowed our heads and he said, " God thank you for Amanda..." "Katie" I said with a smile and we all started laughing! After prayer he introduced me to another woman and said my name as many times as he could to prove he had it! Over all I think Travis and I are willing to go back to church. There were no red flags, just traditions that were different than we were both used to.