Watson has never been so happy! He jumps in and out of every box and runs around like a wild cat!

One of the only five minute breaks we were allowed for the day! I sat down and in about thirty seconds I had Charlie at my feet and Watson curled up for some love...The break went a little longer than I had planned because I didn't want to disturb them. Don't worry Travis was still working :)

For some reason Charlie loved this pile of sheets!
The next whole week went something like this. Wake up early...10:00am :) Eat breakfast that doesn't involve heating it up, or dishes =Cereal or yogurt. Then we would begin unpacking. First room to be put together was the kitchen. Box after box of unpacking dishes that all had to be washed. The nice thing about this house is that the dishwasher is too small to fit more than two or three of our big plates. Also many of the drawers open on top of each other. Luckily we have a pantry which I have never had before and a huge utility room! We would work all day till 2400 (12am) or later unloading and then trying to clean up the mess. The first few days it didn't look like much was happening but about day four our hole started to look like a home. The bedrooms where put together along with the living room and kitchen. I started hanging pictures on the wall and the house breathed in life!! This is my favorite part! We even organized the garage!!!
I have to say normally I would have taken a little longer to unpack, but Susan (Travis's mom) and Lauren (Travis's sister) were coming a week later. Lauren was moving to West Virgina so they planned to stop and stay the night with us. This was very exciting, our first guest. So like Travis would say I was a slave driving that never let up!
We want to hear the ice cream at McDonalds story:)