
Monday, February 15, 2010

V-day Continue with Bang and Games

Katrina & Bob, Matt & Erin and Travis learning how to play bang

After dinner Travis and I invited friends and other neighbors over to play board games. Travis of course was insistent that we teach everyone bang! I have to say I was not surprised that everyone was free for the night considering there is not a lot to do for Valentine's Day in Fort Polk. At the same time that is what makes this place so wonderful is because there is not a whole lot to do you end up spending a lot of time with friends and having lots of get togethers. There are a lot of married couples with no kids, but lots of dogs on our street. Therefore every time we all hang out it like doggie daycare!Bob and Katrina (married) won the first bang game of the night as sheriff and deputy

Matt, Bob, Erin W., Katrina, Erin, Keith, Allie and Travis.
After bang we decided to mix up the games and play Apples to Apples. It was a lot of fun!! We all laughed a lot at each others sense of humor! The dogs where still all running around having just as much fun...except for Watson.
After Apples and Apples we decided to bust out the wii games on our new TV! Here is Keith trying to win at wii luck. Travis took the gold! We also played snowball fighting, bird flying and other games to see who could beat who!
Lastly Erin and Matt W. brought over their wii game called Just Dance. Couple took turns trying to beat Erin and Matt....but no one could take the crown away from them. It was a lot of movement and sweat and so much laughing!
This is Matt, Keith and Erin dancing to Cotton Eye Joe.
Bob, Part of Matt, Erin W, and Katrina dancing what their mama gave them!

We night didn't end till one o'clock in the morning...or my birthday! It was sad to see it come to an end but all of us needed rest from so much dancing!

1 comment:

  1. what happened to your "Dance Dance Revolution"? Is "Just Dance" different or the same?
